Ur The One blog is for those who want to take a moment to spend with oneself. If you want to know more about me its all there in the other tabs above. This section right here is all about you.

Hello Dolls and Gents,
Man do I have a lot to tell you. In our time away from one another, I have come to realize that everyone has a restart button its just up to you to press it. I had to press mine most recently. When we last had a chat it was back in February 2011 entitled "Stay Focused On What is For You" I talked about current jobs at that time. Well, one of those jobs, spa manager, was taken from me. I really thought I knew what I was doing. At least it sounded like a great plan. Work the 9 to 5 then go home and work on the music. Enjoy what your doing to the fullest and make great bread while you work, but something happened along the way. There was a shift in my universe and I thought it was an explosion. However, it wasn't an explosion it was just a small adjustment. See I was only suppose to be where I was for a certain period of time. You couldn't have told me that then though. I didn't feel a shift, not at the time I was being removed from my great job. It was more like a galactic meteor shower raining down on my head with no protection. I knew I was suppose to be there until LA Reid, No ID, or Jimmy Iovine came knocking for me to sign that deal.
I was really confused and fell into a bout of depression not understanding why I was where I was and why it happened the way it did. After the meteor shower I had other great doors open for me as a personal assistant and starting my own company all the while still grinding it out with music but I couldn't even see the great things or money coming my way. Our egos are funny like that.
I'm not sure who else has gotten rained on by a meteor shower but their not fun. I have gotten out of mine with one simple move that I must share with you. Are you ready? Are you sure? Give it to you all ready? *Pause* OK here goes....
Get over it and move on! Sorry hope that wasn't too cruel dolls and gents. I know its way easier said than done trust me I know, but try doing some of the things listed below. They helped me restart maybe they can help you too. Remember what may feel like a meteor shower may just be a shift in the right direction.
- Keep A Blessing Journal. God is good but we tend to call Him only for helping us out of a storm. We rarely thank Him for the blessings He has already given. Plus when you see some rocks coming it helps to look back on clear skies.
- Stay Focused. It is so easy to wallow in self pity but it is also extremely unattractive. Your aura is ugly and no one will want to be around you including your spiritual you. Know your purpose and focus on that it will help.
- Give Up Something You Enjoy For 21 Days. I did a meat fast. I did not eat any meat except for seafood. It was torture esp. when someone in the flat reheated Big Mama's buffalo wings. I must say close to day 5 I became more self aware and stronger spiritually.
- Find A Support System. You are who you hang around. When the chips fall and you hear a lot of I told you so or I knew that wouldn't work kindly and respectfully dismiss them from your life. When you restart you need to start new. Don't bring the same negative energy you tried to leave behind into your newly downloaded system.
Click or call this number for the covenant house.
Remember to Reach for the heavens not just the stars.
Signing Off!
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