We all know that Ur The One blog posts are geared to bettering oneself. Ur The One has a mission to help their readers excel mind, body, and soul. Check out the excerpts that we previously posted below.
"Restart Button"
"Stay Focused On What Is For You"
"A Moment Of Zen 'Meditation'"
"Baby Ur The One (Time for Self)"
Well chaps and chappets we have started with the mental in the aforementioned articles, now its time to tackle the next project up, the body. All together now sing "Let's Get Physical, Physical".....Gotta Love the 80's!
Yes, yes, lovelies I know all the work that it takes to even think about picking up a weight brings excruciating pain to the brain. Well no worries that's why we pounced on the mental first to gear you up for the focus its going to take for the physical. So slap that lazy you out of your way and let's get ready to get that body into shape!
If your anything like me you have tried the local gyms, the parks around the way, and every possible fitness disc you can think of. Well, I have two fitness regiments that takes me to that next level. The first work out that takes me "HIGHER" <--- shameless plug, is called.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!
PopPhysique actually sculpts your entire body. Yes weights are involved but take it from me you will be dancing in your head to their playlist so hard, that you will barely feel squeezing your triceps inch by inch or planking for 20 seconds!
The classes are designed so well that by the time you think your legs are totally going to give out on you the instructors switch right to your biceps or planking. The PopPhysique design is not to totally kill you that you can't come back the next day. It is designed to make sure not only can people see your new Ruthie Davis heels and your super short mini dress but the sexy legs and calves that make the whole ensemble come together.
Their studios are chic, stylish, and top notch. Take a look at the decor in one of their studios in the pics below. The staff and the even the clients are extremely focused on getting toned! I just recently started going to the newly opened Hollywood location. Its so conveniently located right off the 101 freeway. It's also motivating to see the instructors in shape. The absolute worst is to have an instructor out of shape tell you how you should get in shape. Well you won't find that here folks. One of my favorite instructors is Mrs. Brandee Harris she gets you fit without breaking you down. She is the type of instructor that wants to make sure you are getting the most you can get out of the class! I never want to disappoint her by cheating on a sit up, but I must admit that I cheat on a plank or two. Always move at your own safe pace.

Any fitness regime that has a picture of a tush as part of their marketing materials have to believe strongly in their system. Oh and please men don't shy away from this great work out. Men should maintain their flexibility too!
I know your saying that sounds all fine and dandy but what's its costing me Sandy?! Don't you worry PopPhysique is one of the most affordable fitness regiments where you can actually see a difference.
I saw a difference after just 5 classes. I got an unlimited deal for a month as a newbie.
They are only $20 per class and have crazy affordable packages if you want to take more than one class, which trust me you will want to. Click on PopPhysique to find out more about their packages and deals.
This is just for my westcoasters as the PopPhysique brand has not ventured to the east coast yet, but don't you worry I have something special coming for my hometown east coast folks!
Meanwhile don't delay tell me what you think of PopPhysique today!
Reach for the heavens not just the stars!
Stay tuned for Part 2 of my fun work outs!
Signing Off!